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FNHMA Video Library

The FNHMA produces video content to promote upcoming conferences, share information regarding publications and toolboxes, and support health management professionals working in or aspiring for a role in First Nations health. 

Discover the Health and Wellness Planning Guide: A Guide for First Nations

Each video below explains the steps or modules featured in The Guide and assists users in comprehending what to anticipate as they progress through their Health and Wellness Planning Guide and resources

HWP Module 1: Intro
HWP Module 2: First stage
HWP Module 3: Second Stage
HWP Module 4: Third Stage
HWP Module 5: Fourth Stage
HWP Module 6: Fifth Stage
HWP Module 7: Sixth Stage
HWP Module 8: Seventh Stage
HWP Module 9: Put it all Together

FNHMA National Conference

Check out our past Conference Interviews to see what the FNHMA National Conference is all about. Our workshops and networking opportunities have made our conference grow, with a record attendance of 600 delegates in 2022. Find more info on our conference page for the upcoming 2023 National Conference.

Rise Above Racism 

In an effort to bring awareness and change to the Canadian healthcare system for Indigenous peoples, the First Nations Health Managers Association, First Peoples Wellness Circle and Thunderbird Partnership Foundation are excited to announce the launch of the newest awareness campaign, “Rise Above Racism” (RAR). The RAR campaign calls on allies across the nation and brings to the forefront the issues of anti-Indigenous racism within the Canadian Healthcare system. The startling fact that fully 78% of Indigenous people have experienced racism in healthcare must be addressed. Click here to read the complete press release. Click here to visit the Rise Above Racism website. 

For the complete FNHMA video library, click here

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